On the 10th May 2021, a customs agency Bae Jung-han (Whee Customs Service Inc.) were awarded the '2021 KCA Outstanding Professional Awards' that were hosted by the Korea Consumer Council and organized by the Korea Consumer Assessment.
Whee Customs Service Inc. and ZIM Solution, sharing the same vision & business goals as a strategic business Partner, have jointly made a significant achievement.
Their expertise does go, not to mention the forte of their essencial role as a Tariff officier, much beyond to the extend of Global Trade Management. Coupled with his expertise, we have been able to set the ground in debating with the overseas customs authorities and, in many cases, sufficiently represent the interest of our Client.
He's been active as a member of the National Customs Service's Origin Verification Committee (2020-present) and the Active Administrative Committee (2020-present) and a member of the National Authorized Origin Manager Examination Selection Committee, while serving as a consultant to The Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy, KOTRA, the Federation of Businessmen, and the Chamber of Commerce, etc.
For the Best Professional Awards in customs Cartegory has it's own , candidates selection criteria and awards the professionals who have proved to achieve ▲career reputation ▲reference materials such as books ▲contents of detailed criteria for each field.
Source: [Discovery News] Whee Customs Office, Jeon-Han Bae, won the '2021 KCA Excellent Professional Awards' in the Customs Specialist of the Year category by "Korea Consumer Assessment"