Being the commercial and economic capital of Cameroon, Douala has been serving as a major gateway to the entire CEMAC region comprising Gabon, Congo, Chad, Equatorial Guinea, Central African Republic and Cameroon.

Among which, the Central African Republic especially depends on the Douala seaport for about 95% of its goods and humanitarian aid and, conventionally, troops from the C.A.R. and the U.N.'s Multidimensional Integrated Stabilization Mission, MINUSCA, have been providing security escorts for the convoys.

However, the situation at the border has deteriorated, in the face of violence following December 27 general elections in C.A.R.
Since then, except for Bangui which remains relatively calm, instability and violence persist across large parts of the country.
And, to make it worse lately, there has been some reported cases where the security escorts in the troubled Central African Republic (CAR) abandoned the convoys when they were attacked by rebels.
According to our good agent in Cameroon,
"The rebels accuse the Central African government of having taken advantage of the authorization granted to the WFP and the ICRC to smuggle their material. They have therefore resumed their positions on the Beloko-Bangui axis and strongly advise against lorries entering it."
For the moment, a Central African delegation is in Cameroon, trying to reach an agreement to find the way around, so that the trucks go instead through the south of Cameroon to reach Bangui via the Congo Republic.
For now, ZIM Solution have 4 containers of Relief supplies at Cameroon. As per the advice from our good agent, we are planning to relocate them to the off-dock yard which is cost efficient.

News related.